Invest Like
The Greats with CopyCap

Join CopyCap and tap into the genius of the world's leading investors

CopyCap brings the elite investment strategies of Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, Bill Ackman, Peter Thiel, and more, right to your fingertips.

Invest in portfolios mirroring the exact stock ratios of these investment giants, based on the latest public data.

Learn what markets are used in the portfolios

it works:

1. Sign Up
& Choose:

Register and pick from our curated list of legendary investor portfolios.

2. Invest
Your Way:

Start with a minimum of €50. Own a share of the portfolio in the same ratio as the total value.

3. Grow with the Greats:

As the portfolio grows, so does your investment, mirroring the exact growth percentage.

4. Withdraw Anytime:

Access your current balance and cash out whenever you wish.


Our AI Assistant keeps you updated with daily portfolio summaries and detailed weekly analyses, ensuring you're always in the loop.

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Invest Like a Legend?